What if a tailor made suit or shirt does not meet your expectations?Have you always delivered a 100% perfect product or service in your field? If you say yes, then you are lying through your teeth. Please leave this site immediately. Tailors who tell you that a perfect fit is guaranteed, or we will change it for you if you don't like it, or we will refund your money or we will make a new one for you... these are all lies. In case you don't like the shirt they will tell you that it's ok and this is how it should be or it was made as per our discussion.....If your mindset is that you will not accept it if it's not perfect then please have mercy on tailors and don't buy from them rather go to a store of readymade shirts, try them on and buy the one that you like. The honest fact is an experienced tailor will get it right more than 90% of the time and a less experienced tailor will get it right maybe a bit less times. Most people don't know what a perfect fit is. I see many VIP's on TV whose suits/shirts don't fit them well & they have spent a hell lot of money on it. Sometimes a shirt might be okay for someone, but a similar shirt might not be ok for someone else. Buying a tailor made suit/shirt is like getting married, happiness is not guaranteed. Some are not ok with a perfect partner and some are very happy with an imperfect one. A wise thing to do would be to start with one shirt, if you don't like it don't buy more from that tailor. You don't lose much. All tailors do try their best so that the client returns. Unfortunately if you wish to try one shirt from us then you will have to order it online, because I visit clients only who wish to order at least 5 shirts. Most of my clients are the ones who don't care about a few hundred Euros, but this is not the case for everyone, I understand.
What is the factory cost of a tailor made shirt? Stitching €10/-. Good Quality material €20/- If cheaper fabrics are used it could be 15 but it's stupidity to do that because all other costs remain the same. Shipping, duties & taxes €25/- Total cost €55/- This is the cost if it's produced in China, If it's produced in Italy or anywhere else in Europe the cost for the same quality or a lower quality would be at least €80/-. But many producers who claim to produce in Europe are actually lying about it because it does not make sense at all. China is the factory of the whole world. Apple, Nike... all big brands are producing in China.It's sold in the retail market for anywhere between 70-200. depending on the volumes sometimes the one selling for 70 makes more money than the one selling for 200.
What sort of clients tailors don't want? I have made my fortune selling tailor made suits & shirts since 1995. Now I want to live a stress free life. I can live with a little less money but definitely don't want stress. Most people don't know what a 100% perfect fit is, they are happy with 80-90%. The first time a client orders his suits/shirts are anywhere between 85-95% perfect the second order gets 5-10% better. This is the honest truth. Some people don't realise that we charge a very reasonable price and produce in China so we are not in a position to make changes of 1-2 cms here to there. For clients who want this we suggest try a tailor who will give you 3 fittings and spend a lot of time & money on it.
How much does a shirt tailor in China earn? A Shirt tailor in China gets €10/- for stitching a shirt. He produces 4 shirts a day and works 25 days a week. He earns €1000/- per month. They are living in small towns where the cost of living is much lower. Just for comparison, the average net monthly salary in big Chinese cities is 2,200 Euros per month, whereas in small towns it's 450 Euros per month. Tailors are not afraid of AI. Robots still cannot make clothes. But it's a hard job & the new generation does not want to do it, they prefer a freelance lifestyle. So the number of tailors is reducing.
Which is the biggest online store of tailor made shirts? It's hard to say who is the biggest. In today's world a lot of reviews are fake or purchased online for a few cents, so most numbers are not true. You can easily earn an average wage by just writing fake reviews.